What is your purpose?

Hello world,

First off I would like to acknowledge the families of the recent Oklahoma tragedy, you are in my thoughts and prayers. As spiritual beings we all are faced with difficult and painful moments, no one is immune from the uncertainties of life. My hope and prayer is that we all continue to grow stronger as individuals and closer as communities, comforting those during their time of need. We have the power to heal our world with our continued support and love for one another.

Change begins within each and everyone of us, as our hearts begin to change it starts to bleed over into our families, and out into our communities. I believe that we have the power to change starting with our words. Our words whether positive or negative shape our lives, we attract what we are thinking and therefore can shape our experiences, provided we take the appropriate action to achieve what it is that we desire.

I have always wanted to help others as a coach and as a writer. I was always afraid that I did not have anything of value to give, nor that I had the ability to write more than a paragraph of useful information with correct spelling and grammar that will entertain a reader, without putting them to sleep. My self limiting thoughts had to be smashed, after all they were  sabotaging my ambitions. I told myself those lies for so long that I believed in them.

In fact I have had many experiences over the years that I could not imagine having to have lived through if not for a higher purpose. This is me taking the actions of becoming a writer and a coach, fulfilling a higher purpose, to be the change that will resonate out into our universe, and to live my life with passion and as a product of my truths.

The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive –                                                                                           Albert Einstein